For this release, we really focused on usability, intuitiveness, and bringing in plan views to be part of the quoting process.
Updated Quoting:
  • Updated quote banner has the same information, in a horizontal layout. Be sure to check this out on mobile as it is also more mobile friendly.
  • Location/System/Phases sidebar - We brought out the locations systems, and now phases into its own sidebar so you can more easily navigate between them. You will also see a total that shows you what is in each of these groups
  • Don't forget you can view by all items or even the unassigned items. You can still create sub-locaitons and created locations.
  • Slight change to sidebar - notice we pulled out Quantity as a form element to make room for a Replace button in the action buttons. You can still change the quantity below above the price
  • Replace any item with any other type of item. This means you can quote allowances and replace with products later. Stay tuned as we will use this in takeoffs and budgeting in the future.
  • You will still be able to do the same things in your quote as before. Overivew project description, pricing summary, quoting, and plan views
Visual Quoting
  • Plan views have been moved inside the Design tab that allows you choose between building out in a list quote or a visual quote (plan view).
  • Add items in the catalog search in the top center
  • Drag quote items on from the locations panel on the left (don't forget to show the locations bar)
  • Updated toolbar in the bottom now includes the ability to add text, draw, and of course erase. The plan view settings have also been moved to the settings in the far right of the toolbar.
  • You can still create multiple plan views, build plan views the same as before, and continue to attach to your proposals through gallery and attachments on your proposals.
Other features worth noting:
  • UI improvements to the opportunity and project page. You can now edit inline without having to edit and save
  • We have added suggested labor where you can be suggested our category labor amount instead of it being auto-applied to your products. Nice for new users and users who want to manage their own labor
  • Updated our onboarding flow to be easier for new users
  • Updated the proposal edit vs. preview tabs instead of the toggles