  • Ability to BCC yourself to the Proposal. This will send you the same email to you as the client, but they will not see you CC'd. You can then reference exactly what you said in your emails to them. This is in place of the Save Default Message. The default message will popup when you change the message.
  • View whole product image by clicking to expand within the proposal sidebar
  • Cleaned up Gallery and Attachments section in proposal
  • Update to Project Payment Status Names to more industry specific status (won't change any status you have already set)
  • Show all vs pending COs in Kanban card
  • Also added comments and tasks count to card
  • Ability to add a catalog (stock) item to a new PO (not just existing) from the catalog.
  • Ability to edit label for who you are shipping it to (not just address)
  • Include part number as part of the CSV export
  • Clean up the add accessories areas