Clients and Contact Import
Getting your CRM data into Cloud is now easier than ever! Export your client and contact data from anywhere and import it directly into your Cloud account for faster quoting.
You can also export your clients and contacts to a CSV file so you can utilize them in your marketing tools.
Proposal PDF Improvements
We've made some improvements to the proposal PDF formatting to give it a cleaner, more professional look. These include:
  • Cover page - A reorganized cover page with separate sections for company and customer information
  • Page breaks - each section of the proposal now starts on a new page making it easier for your customers to find the information they need most
  • Product divider lines now stay where they belong: around your products. No more stray lines at the top and bottom of the product sections!
Bug Fixes & Performance Enhancements
As always, we've squashed some
and made some performance
enhancements to keep Cloud running smoothly!