Release 69: Rich Text Snippets, Client Page Payments & Service Improvements
Rich Text Snippets
You can now easily save blocks of rich text to be pasted into future quotes, proposals, projects, service plans, notes and more! Our new "snippets" feature can be found within any of our rich text editors and allows you to save text on the fly and paste it wherever it is needed in the future. This will help you expedite your workflow by not having to re-type or hunt down text that you want to re-use!
Learn more about snippets in our documentation center here!

Client Page Payment Tab
Easily view all payments for a client directly within their client page. By selecting the payment tab, you will be shown a complete list of payment terms for all projects, service contracts and service calls for that client. You can filter to view specific payments and even request a new payment directly from this screen.

Auto Select Optional Items
Looking to add items to your proposals that are highly recommended, but still optional? You can now make optional items selected by default on your proposals. After making an item a "Client Selectable Option", you will see a new toggle titled "Include item by default". Turning this toggle on will make the item automatically selected on the proposal, so that clients have to "opt-out" of this optional item rather than opting-in. While optional items have traditionally not been factored into location, system, or quote totals until selected by your client, any item that is "included by default" will also be included in all bottom line numbers when viewing your quote unless un-selected.
Learn more about optional items, locations and systems here!

Service Call Digital Sign-off
We are pleased to introduce Service Call Digital Sign-off, a new and enhanced feature that improves your experience with our Service Call feature. Your clients will be able to receive a comprehensive summary of the services rendered during a service visit thanks to this simplified method that ensures transparency. With this new update, clients may now quickly review and sign off on the comprehensive summary right within our platform. We believe this feature will significantly improve communication and satisfaction, resulting in smoother collaboration with your clients.
"Paid in Person" Status Update Customization
You asked and we listened! If your client chooses to submit a payment "In Person", that payment request will no longer be marked as "Paid" by default. However, if you wish for in person payments to continue to be marked as "Paid" automatically, you can toggle on this preference within your integration settings.
Learn more about tracking in person payments here!

Display Client's Primary Contact
You now have greater customization over how your client's information is displayed on proposals, and you can now display your client's primary contact information including name, email and phone.