Simple Bill of Materials
Kyle Gallemore
Having the ability to do a simple print of a bill or materials would be very helpful. In our process, when the staging occurs, our warehouse manager prints a bill of materials to check the projects inventory against. He prints the inventory list, and places it with the picked inventory for the project for easy recognition of what is required for the project. We've considered using the Installers report, however, there's far to much information on the page. The equipment pictures, full descriptions, labor hours, etc. It would be convenient to have a simple bill of materials list. Make model, part number, project information. medium font, single line, in stock or received. Just a simple list of equipment.
Kramer Lambros
The export BoM to a .xls is available, but you will probably want to clean it up a bit; there is so much information on there.
Kyle Gallemore
Kramer Lambros agree. We tried it. I'd really like something that is just simple that I don't have to edit. Just a quick easy print. It's for the warehouse so it doesn't need anything crazy, just simple and dirty, and quick.
Kyle Gallemore
Thank you for making the "Download BOM" section. But, why didn't you tell anyone you included this? I had to find it while looking around for other items. I appreciate it. However, one thing I would request is that on the BOM you don't include the room descriptions. Or give us an custom PDF picker like you did with the presentation PDF so we can pick and choose what's on the document. This is really just used internally, so I don't need a bunch of information on it. Just a BOM so we can print it and stick it next to the pick pile in the warehouse. It just needs to be simple.
Jeff Hanley
Agree. If an item is in multiple rooms we don’t need to know that. Just how many of the items there are. Currently it is a mess and you have to manually add up how many items there are
Joshua Ventura
Coming from Portal, that is the 1 of the beautiful features they had, it was 1 line per item, brand, model, parts in stock, pulled or ordered, and a qty and place for installers to sign out the item.
Tom Nix
I completely agree. Something that isn't broken down by rooms
Hannah Wilkinson